Nuclear Modernization Good-Bad File
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In matters of international trade, globalization ought to be valued above protectionism. The Negative There are many arguments against globalization. Widening inequality in the developed
In matters of international trade, globalization ought to be valued above protectionism. The Affirmative There are many different reasons that global economic integration should be supported
The Debate Brad Roberts, professor, Georgetown, and former nuclear policy advisor to Obama, 2016, The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century,
In matters of international trade, globalization ought to be valued above protectionism. Introduction This is a great LD topic — it’s pretty well worded, it’s
[wpfilebase tag=”file” id=424] This bibliography covers very recent articles related to the trade protectionism/globalization controversy triggered by Brexit and the election of Trump. There is obviously
The military spending topic is one of the most timely topics the PF community has ever debated. First, as I noted in both my
Background Fighting for free speech on America’s campuses. This August 2016 article covers the general background of the dispute. It’s a good initial read. Affirmative
Millennial Speech & Debate Workshops — Register Today! Original File [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=1393] Core “Answers To (A2)” Blocks [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=1399] [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=1398] Related essays:
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