[General capitalism citations] [Planet Debate 2013-14 Capitalism K File]
Baez, Carmona. (2012). Economic change in Cuba: The (re-)making of a socialist development strategy. International Critical Thought. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21598282.2012.706776
Baker, Andy. (2011). The Latin American Left’s Mandate: Free Market Policymaking and issue voting in new democracies. World Politics. https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/world_politics/v063/63.1.baker.html
Jorge NEF Director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies @ South Florida AND Alejandra RONCALLO IR @ Bucknell ’10 “Latin America and the New Pax Americana” in Latin American Identities After 1980 eds. Yovanovich and Huras p. 3-7
Steve ELLNER Int’l and Public Affairs @ Columbia ‘4 “Leftist Goals and the Debate over Anti-Neoliberal Strategy in Latin America” Science & Society 68 (1) p. 29-30
Jorge NEF Director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies @ South Florida ‘8 “Insecurity, Development, and Democracy” in Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean eds. Harris and Nef p. 142-147
Catherine WALSH Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar ‘12 “The Politics of Naming” Cultural Studies 26:1 p. 117-122
Oscar Guardiola-RIVERA Law @ Birkbeck, University of London ’10 What if Latin America Ruled the World? p. 2-9
Ana MARGHERITIS IR & Latin American Politics @ Florida AND Anthony PEREIRA Poli Sci @ Tulane ‘7 “The Neoliberal Turn in Latin America: The Cycle of Ideas and the Search for an Alternative” Latin American Perspectives 34 p. 31-32
Kenneth ROBERTS Gov’t @ Cornell ‘9 “Beyond Neoliberalism” in Beyond Neoliberalism in Latin America? Eds. Burdick, Oxhorn, and Roberts p. 1-7
Atilio BORON Poli Sci @ Latin American Social Sciences Institute and @ University of Buenos Aires ‘8 “Promises and Challenges: The Latin American Left at the Start of the Twenty-first Century” in The New Latin American Left eds. Barrett, Chavez & Rodríguez-Garavito p. 246-247
Bockman, J. 2012. ‘The political projects of neoliberalism’, Social Anthropology 20: 310–17.
Barhonna, Diana. (2011). The Capitalist Globalization of Latin America. Critical Sociology. https://crs.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/06/16/0896920511402702.extract
Borrisu, Saturino. (2012). Land Grabbing in Latin America and the Carribean. Journal of Peasant Studies. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03066150.2012.679931
Buono, Richard. (2011). Latin America and the Collapsing Ideological Supports for neoliberalism. Critical Sociology. May https://crs.sagepub.com/content/37/1/9.short
A selective examination of empirical cases is used to explore the incipient conditions of ideological breakdown in Latin American neoliberalism. The context of neoliberal consolidation is reviewed and the ideological supports for neoliberalism through the educational system and mass media are treated in a political context. Discussion then turns to the role of ideology in popular challenges to neoliberal domination where the need for further theorizing is identified. A preliminary conceptualization of the ideological decline of neoliberalism is proposed in order to begin charting a path towards a post-neoliberal alternative in Latin America, one that can genuinely address the region’s development needs.
Cammack, Paul. (2010). ‘Signs of the Times’: Capitalism, Competitiveness, and the New Face of Empire in Latin America. https://thesocialistregister.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5834#.UXxRYLUqbzw
Castanda, Jorge. (2012). Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left After the Cold War
Crandall, Russell. (2011). The Post American Hemisphere: Power and Politics in an Autonomous Latin America. Foreign Affairs. https://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/fora90&div=49&g_sent=1&collection=journals
Collier, S. J. 2012. ‘Neoliberalism as big Leviathan, or…? A response to Wacquant and Hilgers’, Social Anthropology 20: 186–95.
Crush, Jonathan. (2012). Power of Development.
De la Mara, Ximena. (2010). Sacrificing Neoliberalism to Save Capitalism: Latin America Resists and Offers Answers to Crises. Critical Sociology, https://crs.sagepub.com/content/36/5/635.short
The current global crisis is not merely a speculative financial crisis that has impacted the real economy in the form of overproduction and demand contraction. It is also a social, environmental and energy crisis; a crisis of democracy, of multilateralism, of neoliberalism and ultimately a crisis of capitalism. In large measure, it is an ethical crisis where a few have been allowed to freely engage in speculative and predatory practices while jeopardizing the interests of humankind. This article focuses on several countries in Latin America where hope is building, creative solutions are being tested, a popular response to crises is emerging, and the basis for an alternative to capitalism is being drafted. These proposals, uncharted elsewhere, are only possible within the context of an alternative, solidarity-based regional integration. They constitute the first steps in the process of development of socialism from the base — a socialism of the 21st century.
Diaz, Maria Elen. (2013). Cuba: The Next Revolution? Vol 8, issue 1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17442222.2013.768463?journalCode=rlac20
Dwyer, Joseph. (2013). Cuba: a materialist-feminist perspective on the socialist project
My dissertation develops a rich account of how the two political projects of socialism and feminism were mutually articulated in the pursuit of women’s liberation by the Cuban revolution and through the multifaceted practices and living labor of Cuban women. Grounded in materialist feminism and feminist political economy, as well as theories of care, democracy, and liberation, my research argues for a thorough rethinking of socialist feminism. Through a careful examination of the theory and trajectory of gender equity as women’s liberation within Cuba since 1959, I note significant gains achieved across myriad social dimensions but a marked resilience of gender inequalities cemented by the theoretical foundations of Marxist-Leninism espoused by the Cuban Communist Party and the Federation of Cuban Women through analyses of its keynote texts. I argue, nonetheless, that socialism and feminism are still key to degendering structural differences among human flourishing, and that cooperatively they hold the promise of a deeper social transformation beyond a gender equality purchased at the price of women’s disautonomy and hypertrophied commodity production. My dissertation makes this argument through a materialist feminist analysis of Cuban women’s socially invisible work which challenges the rigidities of gender-blind socialism, labor-blind feminism, and masculine versions of liberation and proposes that the identification of care-work as a distinct category of labor illuminates new possibilities for human liberation. This proposal carries within it the explicit critique of the idols of the political economies of both neoliberalism and socialism, commodity production, and begins to chart a third way toward the non-exploited, non-alienated, and interdependent wellbeing of all members of society through a feminist theory of revolutionary democracy. This theory aims toward social justice and the realm of freedom by outlining the substantive social recognition of care-work as a means to empower people to gain control over their economy, temper commodity production, incorporate women fully in politics and governance, and alter the sites, forms, and contents of social democracy. By attending to care-work and encouraging its universal practice, we open possibilities for social justice that have to date eluded us.
Dussel, Enrique. (2013). Ethics of Liberation: In the Age of Globalization and Exclusion.
Edwards, S. (2010). Left Behind: Latin America and The False Promise of Populism.
Escobar, Arturo. (2010). LATIN AMERICA AT A CROSSROADS. Alternative modernizations, post-liberalism, or post-development? Cultural Studies. Volume 24, Issue 1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09502380903424208
Esteva, G. (2010). From the Bottom-up: New Institutional Arragements in Latin America. Development (2010) 53(1), 64–69. doi:10.1057/dev.2009.80 https://www.palgrave-journals.com/development/journal/v53/n1/abs/dev200980a.html
Gustavo Esteva describes new institutional arrangements in Latin America, created from the bottom-up by social movements. He argues that there is an interesting new set of processes emerging as peasants’ struggle for land as territorial defence is generating sovereign practices and autonomous areas. The reclaiming and regenerating of old commons is creating new commons and reorganizing society from the bottom-up. This is leading to a radical pluralism, avoiding both conventional universalism and cultural relativism beyond the political horizon of the nation-state. In this way the struggle to improve representative democracy and promote participatory democracy is shifting to radical democracy and to a redefinition of the good life, the buen vivir, through new institutional arrangements beyond development itself.
Frieden, Jeffry. (2013). Modern Capitalism: Enthusiasts, Opponents, and Reformers. https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/jfrieden/files/frieden_rogowski_final.pdf
Grugel, Jean. (2012). Post-neoliberalism in Latin America: Rebuilding and Reclaiming the State after Crisis. Development and Change. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-7660.2011.01746.x/full
Harvey, David. (2010). The ‘New’ Imperialism: Accumulation by Dispossession. Socialist Register. https://www.mediatropes.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5811
Global capitalism has experienced a chronic and enduring problem of overaccumulation since the 1970s. I interpret the volatility of international capitalism during these years, however, as a series of temporary spatio-temporal fixes that failed even in the medium run to deal with problems of overaccumulation. It was, as Peter Gowan argues, through the orchestration of such volatility that the United States sought to preserve its hegemonic position within global capitalism. The recent apparent shift towards an open imperialism backed by military force on the part of the US may then be seen as a sign of the weakening of that hegemony before the serious threat of recession and widespread devaluation at home, as opposed to the various bouts of devaluation formerly inflicted elsewhere (Latin America in the 1980s and early 1990s, and, even more seriously, the crisis that consumed East and South-East Asia in 1997 and then engulfed Russia and much of Latin America). But I also want to argue that the inability to accumulate through expanded reproduction on a sustained basis has been paralleled by a rise in attempts to accumulate by dispossession. This, I then conclude, is the hallmark of what some like to call ‘ the new imperialism’ is about.
Hilgers, M. 2012. ‘The historicity of the neoliberal state’, Social Anthropology 20: 80–94.
Jessop, Bob. (2013). Putting Neoliberalism in Its Place: A Response to the Debate Social Anthropology, February, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1469-8676.12003/full
Abstract: The debate in this journal on neoliberalism neatly illustrates Nietzsche’s proposition that ‘all concepts in which an entire process is semiotically concentrated defy definition; only something which has no history can be defined’ (Nietzsche 1994[1887]: 53). This claim is implicit in Daniel Goldstein’s remarks about the ‘surprisingly thin’ trope of ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ and, more pointedly, about how many anthropologists invoke neoliberalism ‘as a sort of explanatory catholicon’ (2012: 304). Even authors who accept that neoliberalism is a valid analytical object still differ over the entry points they adopt to establish its essential qualities – referring variously to a particular genealogy, a particular time period, a particular case or set of cases or a particular policy field. Others deny that neoliberalism has a quintessential form, insisting on its diverse origins, continuous reinvention, diverse local instantiations or variegated nature, without, however, asking what this polymorphic, even polymorphous, ‘it’ might comprise. The result is that neoliberalism tends to become a ‘chaotic concept’. In this context, it is interesting to note that this term is more often used by outsiders and critics of neoliberalism than it is by the advocates and supporters of the ideas, institutions, strategies and policies that this slippery concept is said to denote. For these reasons, as some contributions to this debate also indicate, neoliberalism may serve more as a socially constructed term of struggle (Kampfbegriff) that frames criticism and resistance than as a rigorously defined concept that can guide research in anthropology and other social sciences.
Kalb, D. 2012. ‘Thinking about neoliberalism as if the crisis is actually happening’, Social Anthropology 20: 318–30.
Levin, Erica (2011) “Book Review: Affect in the Age of Neoliberalism,” Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture: Vol. 33: Iss. 2, Article 8.
Available at: https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/discourse/vol33/iss2/8
Lievesley, Geraldine. (2009). Reclaiming Latin America: experiments in radical social democracy
Livitsky, Stephen. (2011). The Resurgence of the Latin American Left.
Martin, James. (2012). The purposes of paradise: US tourism and empire in Cuba and Hawaii. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Voll 10, issue 3 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14766825.2012.708143
McNeil, Calum. (2010). To engage or not to engage: An affective argument in favor of policy engagement with Cuba. Canadian Journal of Foreign Policy. March.
Munck, Ronaldo. (2013). Rethinking Latin America: Development, Hegemony, and Social Transformation.
Palma, Jose. (2010, May). Why has productivity stagnated in most Latin American countries since the neo-liberal reforms? https://www.rrojasdatabank.info/lamproductivitypalma.pdf
Petras, James. (2012). Latin America: Roads to 21st Century Capitalist Development. https://www.lahaine.org/petras/b2-img/petras_roads.pdf
Riggirozzi, Pia. (2012). The rise of post-hegemonic realism in Latin America. United Nations University Series on Regionalism Volume 4, 2012, pp 1-16 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-2694-9_1
Robison, William. (2010). Transformative Possibilities in Latin America. Socialist Register. https://mediatropes.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5879
Latin America has been the cutting edge of struggles worldwide against neoliberalism. Several alternatives to the dominant model of global capitalism appear to be emerging in the region. A new model of revolutionary struggle and popular transformation from below for the 21st century may be emerging, based on the Venezuelan experience, but more broadly, on mass popular struggles in Ecuador, Bolivia, and elsewhere. Yet global capital has been able to blunt some of these struggles from above and a reformist bloc allied with global capital seems to be competing to shape a post-neoliberal era. Neoliberalism, we should recall, is but one model of global capitalism; resistance to this model is not necessarily resistance to global capitalism. Behind the so-called ‘pink tide’ that has swept the region are competing configurations of social and class forces, ideologies, programs and policies. The crossroad that Latin America has reached is not about ‘reform versus revolution’ as much as it is about what social and political forces will achieve hegemony over the anti-neoliberal struggle, and what kind of project will replace the orthodox programs that have ravaged the region over the past 25 years.
Robison, William. Global Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites. Critical Sociology. https://crs.sagepub.com/content/38/3/349.short
Rojas, Christina. (2011). Latin America: Turning Left or Crossing Multiple Roads? https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09502386.2010.527152
Sadir, Emir. (2009). Post Neo-Liberalism in Latin America. Develoment & Change. https://rosalux-europa.info/userfiles/file/DD51.pdf#page=173
Stahler, Sholk, Richard(2007). Latin American Perspectives. March. Globalization and Resistance – New Politics of Social Movements in Latin America
While sharing fundamental similarities with other colonial and post-colonial experiences, Latin America has a unique history of having been the proving ground for early Spanish and Portuguese imperial projects, of having experienced a relatively long duration of – but also historically early end to – these projects, and of negotiating a particular and complex trajectory of internal and external post-colonial relations. What can the study of this distinct colonial and post-colonial experience contribute to a broader program of postcolonial sociology? Conversely, what can a revitalized postcolonial sociology contribute to the study of Latin America? This article develops provisional answers to these questions by reviewing major currents in South and North American scholarship on the Latin American colonial and post-colonial experience. Some of this scholarship self-consciously identifies with broader movements in postcolonial studies; but much of it – both historical and contemporary – does not. By bringing together diverse strands of thought, this article sheds new light on what postcolonialism means in the Latin American context, while using the comparative leverage that this set of often overlooked cases provides to contribute to a new program of postcolonial sociology. |
Vaencia, Adrian. (2013). Latin America and Super-Exploitation. Critical Sociology. https://crs.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/03/25/0896920513479616.abstract
Vanaik, Achin. (2013). Capitalist Globalisation and the Problem of Stability: enter the new quintet and other emerging powers. Third World Quarterly. 34; 2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01436597.2013.775779
Wilkinson, John. (2012). Land grabbing and global capitalist accumulation: key features in Latin America. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02255189.2012.745394