July 16
Global heat waves should be a warning for the future
July 15
U.S. climate promises hang in the balance as Manchin upends talks
July 14
Climate change drives down yields and nutrition of Indian crops
Climate change and extreme weather events hang heavy over global breadbasket countries
July 14
How climate change could drive violence against women and minorities
Climate change could lead to more black outs
Ignoring how militarism fuels climate change will be the death of us
It’s getting harder for scientists to collaborate across borders, complicating climate change battle
Climate change goals face two major headwinds
How climate change could drive an increase in gender-based violence
July 13
Climate change magnifies the risk of conflict, study finds
Humanity has “moral obligation” to fight climate change
July 12
Climate change caused by wealthy nations harms poorer nations
July 11
Climate change is a threat to Africa’s biodiversity
July 9
MIT scientists think they’ve discovered how to fully reverse climate change
July 7
NASA did not attribute climate change to the Earth’s orbit
June 17
Climate change and air pollution affect kids’ health
June 16
Can climate change and biodiverisyt losses be tackled together?
Note: This article has a lot of good evidence, but it also has many hyperlinks to additional evidence.
June 15
Fossil fuels dominate as green energy stagnates
June 15
Has the Supreme Court tied the Biden administration’s hands on climate change
June 14
How climate change and social justice are linked
June 12
UNFCCC weighs blockchain use cases to fight climate change with Cointelegraph
June 11
Climate change is battering our economy and driving inflation
April 15
War in Ukraine generates interest in nuclear energy, despite danger
April 5
Africa looks to renewables to curb warming, boost economies
How the war in Ukraine could speed up Europe’s climate plans
April 4
It’s not too late to stave off the climate crisis, U.N. report finds. Here’s how
UN climate report: It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees
What’s really holding the world back from stopping climate change
March 28
March 27
War shakes Europe path to energy independence, climate goals
March 25
Geo-political tensions threaten global commitment to decarbonization
March 24
How the World’s Richest People are Driving Global Warming
Deforestation: Meaning, cause and it’s link to climate change and global warming
March 23
The world has less than 10 years to avert climate change
March 22
Some good news about corals and climate change
“Ok Doomer” and the climate advocates who say it’s too late
China faces worst agriculture season ever due to climate change
Dictators won’t solve climate change
March 21
How bad will the climate migration get?
March 19
Biden’s chance to tackle climate change is fading amid global energy upheaval
Climate change is disrupting the global supply chain
March 18
Climate change is making armed conflict worse. Here’s how.
The Power of Oceans to Mitigate Climate Change
Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Fragile States: Evidence from Panel Estimations
Climate change, Ukraine and pitfalls of international goodwill
March 17
States can be laboratories for climate policy
March 14
Climate change: Food systems are key to our collective survival
Climate change may devastate the Middle East. Here’s how governments should tackle it.
Climate change is making chemical disasters more likely — here’s what agencies can do
March 4
IPCC warns preventing climate catastrophe is nearly out of reach
March 3
War Abroad and Politics at Home Push U.S. Climate Action Aside
Climate change threatens nearly one third of U.S. hazardous chemical facilities
U.N. Report Shows Increased Climate Change Impacts on Humans and Nature
On land and sea, climate change causing ‘irreversible’ losses: UN
March 2
We must adapt how we grow our food in a climate-impacted world
March 1
On Climate Change, Africa Is Where the Rubber Hits the Road
March/April 2022
Climate change and conflict in the Middle East
January/February 2022
COVID-19 and climate change: Crises of structural racism
February 3
How Big Business Is Taking the Lead on Climate Change
Is the Green New Deal Really About Wealth and Power?
Researchers find low emissions vital to slow warming
February 3
China’s Climate Commitments Face Major Challenges
February 2
The world isn’t ready for climate-driven inflation
Extreme heat driven by climate change is ‘new normal’ for oceans, study finds
Setting Science-Based Targets to Combat Climate Change
February 1
Climate change has likely begun to suffocate the world’s fisheries
Countries Back Away from Pledge to Update Climate Goals This Year
January 28
On the sudden stratospheric warming and polar vortex of early 2021
January 24
Kerry warns about efforts to blunt climate change: ‘We’re in trouble‘
Kerry warns about efforts to blunt climate change: ‘We’re in trouble’
IPCC Climate Change Reports: Why They Matter to Everyone on the Planet
Scientists warn climate change could unleash ‘rivers in the sky’
January 23
Climate change: ‘Fragile win’ at COP26 summit under threat
January 19
January 18
Majority of US states pursue nuclear power for emission cuts
The Climate Conversation No One Wants
It’s time to talk about managing the world’s likely overshoot beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius.
January 17
How long can humans survive. We need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, and the sooner the better. But it will be a long and difficult job — as Smil demonstrates, they are threaded through our society at every level, entwined like knotweed in the systems that provide our food, our housing, our machinery, our transport. We forget how complex our society is until it stops working in some way — as when supply chains broke down in the pandemic and our hospitals ran out of rubber gloves (an issue Smil talks about in a section on globalisation). As it stands, if we were to reduce fossil fuel consumption by the sort of degrees that some demand, it would lead to disaster, because we haven’t unpicked the threads yet.
Solar geoengineering: The case for an international non-use agreement Solar geoengineering is gaining prominence in climate change debates as an issue worth studying; for some it is even a potential future policy option. We argue here against this increasing normalization of solar geoengineering as a speculative part of the climate policy portfolio. We contend, in particular, that solar geoengineering at planetary scale is not governable in a globally inclusive and just manner within the current international political system. We therefore call upon governments and the United Nations to take immediate and effective political control over the development of solar geoengineering technologies. Specifically, we advocate for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering and outline the core elements of this proposal.
Climate change could reach 4C by the end of the century
January 16
Renewables developer says gas is ‘no solution’ to mitigate climate change
Thawing permafrost is a triple threat
How to prepare for climate change’s most immediate impacts
January 14
To survive climate change, plants can’t just get up and move
TThe Green Deal Could Make—or Break—the European Project
Power surge threatens climate goals.
The most startling facts in the 2021 climate report
January 13
Ocean heat is at record levels, with major consequences
Earth hits 6th warmest year on record
January 12
The latest data on US climate change pollution is very bad
The U.S. Can No Longer Ignore Climate Change
A 21st-century reinvention of the electric grid is crucial for solving the climate change crisis
Ocean warmth sets record high in 2021 as a result of greenhouse gas emissions
Cyber risks add to climate threat, World Economic Forum warns
January 11
The latest data on US climate pollution is very bad
The speed of climate change is unbalancing the insect world
How climate change could hinder reforestation efforts, according to experts
January 10
The fight for reparations cannot ignore climate change
The last 7 years have been the earth’s 7 hottest
Multilateral Renovation and Innovation: Don’t Let a Crisis Go to Waste
January 9
The oil industry’s decarbonization agenda
‘We must do our part to mitigate climate change’ — The military’s pollution problem
Detour: Antarctica – how climate change could spark Antarctica resource race
January 7
The US won’t meet its climate targets
Climate change: Hope for millions as study finds damaged coral reefs can still provide seafood
January 6
Let’s stop making this climate change mistake
January 5
Global tipping points: Climate change and the coronavirus
January 3
Climate change is upping the height of Earth’s lower atmosphere
December 31
Climate change is coming for the world’s poles
December 30
Newsletter: Climate change will get worse in 2022. But it won’t be the end
Did We Just Blow Our Last, Best Chance to Tackle Climate Change?
December 29
Did pandemic disruptions help to slow climate change? No, scientists say
December 28
The Quest to Trap Carbon in Stone—and Beat Climate Change
December 25
Can You Solve Climate Change Better Than World Leaders?
December 24
Global warming threatens China’s food security
December 23
Climate change is wreaking havoc in the Arctic and beyond
US climate and trade policy to counter Putin’s playbook
December 21
Could crushed rocks absorb enough carbon?
Nuclear power has no business case and could make climate change worse
December 18
December 14
Arctic Report Card: Climate change transforming Arctic into ‘dramatically different state’
Climate change has destabilized the Earth’s poles, putting the rest of the planet in peril
December 10
Policies insufficient to keep global warming to 2 degrees
December 9
A different perspective on global warming
December 8
December 7
Carbon offsets can slow global warming but the math can get tricky
In the fight against climate change, China is doing more than you think – but still not enough
The international order isn’t ready for the climate crisis
November 30
These 11 countries could face extreme instability from climate change, says U.S. intelligence
Think Climate Change Is Messy? Wait Until Geoengineering
November 29
How will global warming impact the Middle East?
Seeking Certainty on Climate Change: How Much Is Enough?
Stemming methane leaks could be key to slowing global warming quickly
November 28
Climate Change Is Putting America’s Largest Navy Base In Jeopardy
November 26
Biden’s Scorecard on Climate Change
Climate tipping points: The Arctic is a bellwether for irreversible change
November 24
How climate change will impact national security
Climate change will affect the US electric grid
New White House office to coordinate climate change policies
November 23
Climate change will destroy global fishing stocks
Pledges not enough to keep us below the 2 degree level
At COP26, Climate Action Remains Hostage to National Interests
Soils can fight climate change
November 22
COP-26 framed properly as a public health issue
The right institutions for the climate transition
November 21
Polar Bear in the Room: America Must Talk to Russia About the Arctic
UN’s COP26 climate change goals include emerging tech and carbon taxes
COP26 Prepared the World to Beat Climate Change
November 19
How climate change will affect the world for centuries to come
At COP26, the New Cold War Comes to Climate Change
Nuclear Was the Quiet Hero of COP26
Moderates Must Stop COP26 From Being a Flop for America
November 18
India Takes a Stand for the Developing World at COP26
November 17
Climate change will pose a huge disruption. Are the world’s banks ready?
COP26: Much Achieved, Huge Opportunities Missed
COP26 shows cities can lead on climate, but must strengthen their data and action plans
November 16
Meaningful Climate Action Requires Taking Africa’s Needs Seriously
Cop26: What does this mean and what happens next?
November 15
What COP26 Did and Didn’t Accomplish
November 13
Climate Change and Resource Scarcities are Reshaping the World Order
November 10
World’s ‘calamitous’ water crisis being ignored in climate talks – WaterAid
How Hard Will It Be for the World to Quit Coal?
UN chief says global warming goal on ‘life support’
Climate talks can solve another global crisis: Air pollution
China, US agree to redouble climate efforts
November 9
Climate Change Will Harm All, But Will Disproportionately Impact Various Demographic Groups
Dead or alive? COP26 climate talks strive to save 1.5C warming goal
China, US pledge to increase cooperation at UN climate talks
The tragedy of stopping climate change
President Obama’s COP26 wake-up call
Jobs and a just transition can deliver climate ambition
Where electric cars could help save coal
November 8
November 7
Kerry rallies global climate push as uncertainty grows in US
US, China power struggle on display at climate summit
November 6
Warming is changing the Arctic
The obstacles to building our way out of climate change
November 5
COP26 strikes ‘eye candy’ side deals to keep climate talks from resulting in ‘zilch’
COP26 sharply criticized as the ‘most exclusionary’ climate summit ever
COP26 incident shines light on impact of climate change on disabled0
To be optimistic or pessimistic? The good and bad of COP26
Why billionaires like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos buy carbon offsets — and how they work
November 4
Earth has 11 years to avoid the worst climate impacts
Countries Pledge to Reach Net-Zero Carbon Emissions—Just Not China or Russia
Opinion: Our climate change strategy can’t be dependent on China
Earth has 11 years to cut emissions to avoid dire climate scenarios, a report says
November 3
Expert: Climate Change Destroying Earth’s Water Cycle
The Developing World Needs Energy—and Lots of It
Rich Countries’ Climate Policies Are Colonialism in Green
Going nuclear on climate change
Expert: Climate Change Destroying Earth’s Water Cycle
Climate change is a justice issue – these 6 charts show why
Climate change: Carbon emissions show rapid rebound after Covid dip
It’s time to freak out about methane emissions
November 2
Opinion: Climate change is not an ‘existential threat’
Biden’s Climate Policy Is a Titanic Disaster in Waiting
November 1
A Green Deal at COP26 Can’t Be a Green Light for China
Top climate scientists are sceptical that nations will rein in global warming
Climate change is wreaking havoc on the Earth’s water cycle
The international order isn’t ready for the climate crisis
October 31
Carbon Capture Is a Climate Change Game Changer
G-20 strikes deal to keep temperature within reach
G-20 leaders make commitments to climate neutrality, coal financing
Liberal internationalism cannot solve climate change
October 30
Climate change isn’t the world’s No. 1 Problem
G-2o Leaders largely avoid firm goals
What are climate credits? How fighting climate change became a $30 billion business
US vs. China on Climate Change — What investors need to know
October 28
Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures
October 26
U.N. warns world set for 2.7C rise on today’s emissions pledges
UN chief: ‘Leadership gap’ undermines global climate efforts
October 27
Climate Change Threatens to Increase Global Conflicts
October 25
Enlightened climate policy for Africa
US urban areas are undercounting GHG emissions
UN: Nations’ official climate plans fall far short of Paris goals
New data shows CO2’s peak in 2020
October 12
Why Climate Policy Has Failed And How Governments Can Do Better
October 1
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis The Case for a New Planetary Politics (gated)
September 6
Over 230 medical journals: Climate crisis is the “greatest” health threat
August 11
To Combat Climate Change, Biden and Wealthy Allies Must Lead
August 9
UN report: Effects of climate change even more severe than we thought
August 19
UNICEF: Nearly half of world’s children at ‘extremely high risk’ of climate change impacts
August 13
Antarctica is melting. The future could be catastrophic.
August 12
‘It looked like an atomic bomb’: Welcome to our very own not-so-slow-motion apocalypse
The American West’s Climate Hellscape Is Just a Preview
Experts say Western US now trapped in death cycle of extreme heat, drought, and fire
August 6
Present at the Creation of a Climate Alliance—or Climate Conflict
July 3
Climate change has gotten deadly. It will get worse.
Climate change could cost condo boards billions. They aren’t ready for it.
America’s leadership on climate change will define its global standing
Opinion: Climate scientists warned us. When will we listen?
October 2020
September 3, 2020
Greenland’s Massive Ice Sheet Reached Tipping Point Two Decades Ago, Study Reveals
A foreign policy for the climate: How American leadership can avert disaster
Solar Panels in Sahara: A Boost Renewables but a Blow to the Climate
Outdated Carbon Policies Threaten Climate Change Efforts
Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change
The impacts of climate change on displaced populations
Why Climate Panic Is Unfounded Hysteria
Why Planting More Trees Cannot Solve Our Climate Crisis
Core Controversies
Are humans responsible for a significant increase in climate change?
Is it too late to stop climate change?
Do developed countries have a moral responsibility to control climate change?
Will meeting COP-26 targets reduce climate change?
Will COP-26 pledges be met?
Can we rely on Coal Carbon Sequestration (CCS) to solve climate change?
Can nuclear power be used to meaningfully slow climate change?
Can increased support for renewable energy meaningfully slow climate change?
Does climate change threaten US coastal property?
Should CO2 be considered a pollutant?
Can we adapt to climate change?
Can the world solve climate change without China and Russia?
Are US actions to prevent climate change meaningful?
Are rising sea levels a threat to humanity?