There are three important things that you need to be cautious of when preparing to debate a kritik in the 2AR. First, you need to be on the lookout for outrageous claims that will be made by the negative in the block that state that the kritik disproves all affirmative claims made in the 1AC because it proves that all affirmative arguments are just artificial justifications for capitalism (or whatever the kritik is). This is easy to answer – you can point out that they have boldly asserted this without any evidence to support it.
Second, you need to be on the lookout for floating pics and argue that they are theoretically legitimately and substantively flawed (for whatever reasons you can come up with). Floating PICs are often hard to find, so I strongly suggest asking both the 2NC or the 1NR if they many any floating PICs that they will extend as alternatives in the 2NR.
Third, watch for any alternative (floating or not) that claim to solve all of your case harms. You have to answer this argument in the 1AR or any time you spend extending your case harms and solvency will be a waste of time since the 2NR will say that the alternative solves those harms.
You also need to prioritize the extension of your framework in the 1AR. If you started your framework debate in the 1AC, this debate may be on the affirmative case flow. If it is, put the framework debate in your order before going to the critique flow. Many critique arguments made by your opponent will only be relevant in particular frameworks, so be sure to extend your framework, win it, and then process their critique arguments through your framework.
After addressing any ridiculous link claims and floating pics, select 2AC arguments that will enable you to produce an overall strategy to defeat the critique. If you plan on going for the permutation, for example, be sure to spend most of your time answering the link stories and extending the permutation. You cannot only extend the permutation since many of the links will cut against the desirability of the permutation. If you plan on going for impact turns, you can ignore the link and permutation mini-debates.
In terms of issue order, you should put the critique near the top of the 1AR argument order – right after topicality or any other theory procedurals. Kritiks are generally absolute arguments – if you lose a particular kritik you will lose an entire debate – Never put a kritik at the bottom of your order.