Students who take our introductory course will explore Medicare for All as a topic for their debates. A sample of some of the basic arguments the students will be exposed to is here.
Full Argument Outline. Basic Bibliography Introductory Lecture Register
*Premature death
*Opioids (M4A solves root cause of opioid epidemic and private insurance encourages prescribing pain killers rather than surgery).
- Moral responsibility for care
- Equality
- (a) Race
- (b) Gender
*Health care costs
- High salaries
- Profits
- Administrative overhead
- No bulk purchasing
- M4All reduces
- Health care costs hurt the economy
- Health care costs reduce consumer spending
- Reducing employer health care costs increases wages
- M4All is a stimulus
- Increased productivity
- Job switching
- M4All is an economic stimulus
Collapse private insurance industry, massive unemployment from it
Tax increases bad
Reduce profits for pharmaceutical industry
Hospital Collapse (reducing payments to hospitals collapses hospitals)
— rural hospitals
— urban hospitals
— public hospitals
Doctors quit
Brain Drain
— doctors quit, have to hire more foreign doctors
— increasing demand generally means more foreign doctors hired
Not enough space
Market key to medical innovation