Should the US Pull its Troops from Syria?


When did the war in Syria begin and why did the United States get involved?

The Center for Preventive Action has a great explanation:

“What began as protests against President Assad’s regime in 2011 quickly escalated into a full-scale war between the Syrian government—backed by Russia and Iran—and anti-government rebel groups—backed by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others in the region. 

Three campaigns drive the conflict: coalition efforts to defeat the Islamic State, violence between the Syrian government and opposition forces, and military operations against Syrian Kurds by Turkish forces.”

Why are U.S. Troops Still Fighting in Syria?  adds in November 2022:

Initially, U.S. troops were dispatched to Syria in 2015 as part of the fight against the Islamic State in Syria (ISIS) and to train and advise Kurdish and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who became key to liberating large chunks of Syrian territory from ISIS.

While the primary goal of the U.S. presence had been a confrontation against the self-proclaimed caliphate, the defeat of ISIS has made the remaining U.S. military presence highly debatable and legally disputed at home and abroad. 

However, after the Trump administration drew down and relocated the remaining U.S. forces in 2019, many officials and media pundits expressed concern that by abandoning the 

Kurds the image of the U.S. as a trustworthy ally would be tarnished and leave the strategic ground for the Syrian regime, Russia and Iran. Today, there are still around 900 U.S. soldiers stationed in the area known as the “Eastern Syria Security Area.”


Syria’s Civil War: The Descent Into Horror  Council on Foreign Relations

Still at War: The United States in Syria April 2022 – long but easy to understand review of the war in Syria

The war in Syria has killed 400,00 and created over 5 million refugees


*The sovereign government of Syria demands American troops leave

*Civilians are the real victims of this conflict – US Troops lead to more fighting

*The US troops deployment to Syria was not legal – even to fight ISIS in 2015

*ISIS has been defeated – even the original rationale still exists

*The United States presence is prolonging the crisis hurting civilians

*US troops in Syria risk becoming involved in a conflict with Iran

*Intervention creates more enemies than friends

Syria demands they leave – it is illegal – even as a way to fight terrorism August 2022

US is engaging in clashes with Iranian militias – for no reason August 2022

The US needs a new Syria policy – lifting sanctions 

US Troops Should Withdraw from Syria, Not Protect Oil Companies

US forces have targeted a base operated by Iranian allies August 2022

The United States Troops in Syria should not be there  May 2022

The consequences of US intervention in Syria  Long -conclusion at the end: Humanitarian crisis


*The US troops in Syria are keeping a lid on the Islamic State (IS or ISIS)

*The troops in Syria protect the Kurds, an ethnic minority, and the SDF The pro-democracy group fighting the Syrian government.

*The troops fight smuggling and help facilitate humanitarian aid

*It would damage confidence in the United States as a Security Partner throughout the world

*We need to stay in Syria to counterbalance the Iranian regime

*Troops and personnel on the ground help form connections with leaders and gather information 

*The United States is protecting the Kurdish minority from persecution or genocide

*Syria is a state sponsor of terrorism and violator of human rights. We should support regime change

THE DAY AFTER: Anticipating trouble in the event of a US withdrawal from Syria

What does the US want in Syria? Keeping a lid on ISIS August 2022

The SDF pro democracy forces would collapse without US support August 2022

United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian People September 2022

Withdraw will encourage Turkish efforts to suppress the Kurds

The US mission is to help the Kurds in the North and to keep ISIS down