Resolved: Spain should grant Catalonia its independence
This essay is from the January 2017 PF topic. Introduction The January Public Forum resolution asks the question of whether or not Spain should grant
This essay is from the January 2017 PF topic. Introduction The January Public Forum resolution asks the question of whether or not Spain should grant
Introductory Essay , Answering the Pro’s exploitation argument, Bibliography Con Intro Essay, The Prohibitive Costs of Paying Student Athletes, Student Athletes and the Plantation System Introduction
Introductory Essay , Answering the Pro’s exploitation argument, Bibliography Pro Racism argument , The Prohibitive Costs of Paying Student Athletes As discussed in the introductory essay, the
Introductory Essay , Answering the Pro’s exploitation argument, Bibliography, The Prohibitive Costs of Paying Student Athletes, Debating the Con Slavery was of enormous economic benefit to
Introductory Essay The Spending Con Argument Bibliography The most common Pro argument on this resolution will be that student athletes are exploited by colleges and
Introductory Essay , Answering the Pro’s exploitation argument, Bibliography One fundamental problem with treating student athletes as employees under the FLSA is that costs would raise
Annotated Bibliography The Prohibitive Costs of Paying Student Athletes , “Answers to” Blocks You’ll Need, Answering the Pro’s Exploitation Argument, College Athletics as a Plantation System,
McCormick & McCormick, 2010, Robert A. McCormick, Professor of Law, Michigan State University College of Law, B.A., Michigan State University, 1969; J.D., University of Michigan,
At the last two tournaments I’ve judged (Minneapple, Scarsdale) debates where Pro teams made claims that universal background checks would reduce gun deaths (both homicides
We added two sets of blocks that have Answers To briefs to respond to the core arguments teams are making.