Tag: immigration

Immigration Daily

No political support for opening the borders   AFAEL BERNAL – 12/30/22, https://thehill.com/latino/3786946-democratic-congress-was-disappointment-for-immigration-activists/, The Hill, Democratic Congress was disappointment for immigration activists, The first Congress


Should DACA be codified into law?

Updates Why Dreamers are forever in a state of limbo (12/7/22) Senators draft bipartisan agreement to legalize DACA recipients (12/5/22) Background Many children (600,000) came

Bibliography: Surveillance and Immigration

ALL SURVEILLANCE RESOURCES Essay [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=54] [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=55] Related: [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=40] Key articles Valsamis Mitsilegas, 2012, Professor of European Criminal Law and

Debating A Pathway to Citizenship

December PF Resolution: Immigration reform should include a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States.   Introduction The December Public