Tag: surveillance

Bibliography: Biometric Surveillance

Main Surveillance Resources   Reference What is biometrics? Biometric ID surveillance Articles The FBI’s plan to collect everyone’s DNA just got a huge boost from Congress


Debating Surveillance: General Bibliography

All Surveillance Resources Articles Privacy matters: Anti-surveillance education in the library Supervision: An Introduction to the Surveillance Society Aiding Surveillance Eyes Wide Open In NSA

Debating Surveillance: Conclusions

Previous: Kritiks Conclusion The resolution grew out of a recent and ongoing controversy related to surveillance, especially mass surveillance. Although the surveillance controversy extends beyond

Bib — Surveillance Drones

Solvency Protecting Privacy from Aerial Surveillance: Reccommendations for Government Use of Drone Aircraft Ban Warrantless Drone Surveillance Harms Don’t let drones invade our privacy The

Defining Domestic v. Foreign

Domestic is within a particular country Google Definitions, no date, https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=define:+domestic DOA: 1-25-15 existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international. “the

Defining “Surveillance”

Surveillance is the systematic monitoring and gathering of information in order to minimize risk, sort populations, and exercise power Amnil Kalhan, 2014, law professor, Drexel


Surveillance Bib: Personal Resistance

  Sociologists, however, most notably David Lyon and Gary Marx, have written about the potential significance of surveillance resistance. See, e.g., DAVID LYON, SURVEILLANCE STUDIES:

Surveillance Topic: Law Reviews

  Copyright (c) 2013 Arizona Board of Regents Arizona Law Review, 2013, Arizona Law Review, 55 Ariz. L. Rev. 997, 10598 words, ARTICLE: PRIVACY PROTESTS: