Venezuela Argument List

US economy (exports to Venezuela)
Venezuela economy/poverty, kill 40,000
— make trade impossible
— Freeze capital
— Undermine the oil industry
Venezuela medicine access
Embargo immoral
Collapse fuels the drug trade
General humanitarian situation in Venezuela
Refugees, disease spread
Venezuela-Russia tiest bad
Venezuela-China ties bad
Venezuela-Iran ties bad
Venezuela-Cuba ties bad
Sanctions are imperialistic
Sanctions undermine international law
Sanctions generally fail
Sanctions don’t product regime change
Sanctions undermine Venezuelan oil production, global high oil prices bad
Sanctions undermine global US leadership
Lifting sanctions means Trump loses in 2020 (FL Key, people in FL support sanctions], Trump bad (Paris agreement)
Foreign investment good
Sanctions kill peace negotiations
Lifting sanctions floods the market with oil, low oil prices good for the economy

Lifting sanctions reduces gold mining

Sanctions mean medicines don’t get delivered

Sanctions mean no CLAP boxes

Lifting sanctions means Maduro gets assassinated, assassination good
Carribean needs VZ oil (PetroCaribe will relaunch in 2020)

Lifting sanctions means debt restructuring, debt restructuring good
Sanctions mean dollarization, dollarization bad

Sanctions strengthen Maduro, Maduro bad

Pressure on Maduro means he launches wars of aggression

Sanctions cause a coup, coup bad

Sanctions trigger regime change, Mauduro bad
Sanctions work
Sanctions are an alternative to a US military invasion
Sanctions stop Venezuelan oil from hitting the market, low global oil prices bad (Russia, China, global warming)
Sanctions important to democracy promotion
Sanctions important to human rights promotion
Sanctions sustain US global leadership
Sanctions protect Trump re-election, Trump good
US-Latin American relations good
Multilateral decision-making good
Rio Treaty good
Foreign investment bad — always popular in PF!
Sanctions not responsible for Venezuela’s economic problems
China-Venezuela ties good — China needs the oil