Novice Demonstration Debates
Resolved: Zoos should be banned (from the NYCUDL, targeted at young middle school students (grades 5-6) Resolved: School uniforms should be required (targeted at grades
Resolved: Zoos should be banned (from the NYCUDL, targeted at young middle school students (grades 5-6) Resolved: School uniforms should be required (targeted at grades
Pro Rebuttal Blocks AT: Russia will lash out militarily – AT: Russia won’t cooperate on Syrian AT: Russia won’t cooperate on Afghanistan AT: Russia will
KU Libraries Think Tank List Think Tanks — Foreign Policy Atlantic Council Baker Center Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs Carnegie Endowment for International
Slide Show Lecture — Lecture supplement Supplement slide show
Websites DebateUS! Daily Updates Baltic Security Foundation Carnegie Russia National Interest Baltics U.S. Policy US security cooperation with the Baltic states (2021). This article outlines
One thing I thought of is that “democratic values” is not the same thing as “democracy.” For example, the values of debate include critical thinking,
General Presumed Consent For Organ Donation (2020). This article explains that while the US has opt-in organ donation, more and more countries are adopting opt-out.